
    Friday, April 1, 2011

    What is balanced lifestyle?

    we can always talk about balance lifestyle but most of us still don't know yet how to practice my opinion balance lifestyle meaning that we are able to handle and do different activities in our daily lifestyle based on requirement and schedule =D

    parents must help their children to practice balanced lifestyle in their life since they were small..there are some examples of balanced lifestyle:-

    1. academics - do revision,studies
    2. sports- games,outdoor activities
    3. sosial- mingle around with friends and families
    4.  religion and spirituality - pray,perform solat (for muslim)
    5. rest- enough sleep and rest enough =D
    6. ideas- be more creative and critical thingking
    7. foods- have healthy and balanced meals

    the most important thing is SMILE...always think positive and you'll be fine..
    only smile that can lock everybody's heart <3

    anything else?? that's all i can think for now..happiness can only be achieved when there is balanced between physical, mental,spiritual and social

    Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony." - Thomas Merton.

    find more about What is balanced lifestyle to you? 

    p/s: prank your friends!!april fool!! (opps,tak baik kenakan kwn2 taw!)


    Anonymous said...

    bodoh..sambut april fool!!

    Anonymous said...


    sjaa64 said...


    mne ada smbutlah!!kn da ckp tak baik smbut kenakan kwn2 semua..
    haape daa =.=

    sjaa64 said...


    tang mana yang gediknyer??aduyai!!aku tulis seihlas hati kot,just wanna share info dah kene cop gedik..

    ms/mr anon,plizz told me which part of this entry showed that that i'm gedik!!!! blurrr =p

    Cik SCC said...

    ape kena ngn anon tu..??

    oo,,saje jek nk suh org klik churp2 ye?
    tapi bgus lah jaa ni..
    pndai pomot ^^

    sjaa64 said...


    entahla..sedihla mcm ni,nah dapat gedik ko sebijik!!

    hehe,kan dkat churp2 tu kan dia suruh blog about this!!buat jelah..xnak klik pun boleh share info..

    jarang je buat post psal churp2,tp tajuk ni mcm best dan memang terfikir nk buat :)

    Dayana Z said...

    pehh ape plak ckp sal lifestyle pun gedik, haih sabo je lah ye jaa. hmm

    sjaa64 said...

    @Dayana AZ

    tu la kan...sedih laa cmni..hahahahha..biarjelah,dia tak puas hati ngan kita nak buat cmne (T_T)

    Nava Kishnan said...

    Children seem to have more stress these day with parents pushing them to excel in everything.

    sjaa64 said...

    @Nava Kishnan

    that is one of the that's why every parents must not take for granted about this..

    every parents must not force or push their children to do things that they don't want to and every parents must know their children's talent and interest :D



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