semalam aku tengok bola malaysia lawan indonesia..tahniah malaysia!!malaysia berjaya mengalahkan indonesia sebanyak 3-0 di bukit jalil semalam..yeah,kemenangan yang berbaloi untuk menebus kekalahan kita 5-1 baru-baru ini dalam pringkat kumpulan..semoga malaysia dapat terus mengekalkan kemenangan di indonsia nanti...
kami sekeluiarga bersorak bagai nak rak walaupun hanya menonton di rumah..haaaa,aku suka dengan mimik muka safee walaupun jatuh tergelincir tapi mukanya still manis senyum..haha,comel betul..tahniah,dah jadi penjaring terbanyak..semalam 2 gol dijaringkan olehnya..bola pun banyak dikuasai oleh pihak malaysia dan dengan kemenangan semalam aku yakin yang malaysia dapat menjadi johan dengan menewaskan indonesia di negara mereka..
walaupun barisan pemain utama ramai yang tercedera sehinggakan pasangan kembar yang aku minati zafuan dengan zakuan tak dapat bermain,k rajagobal bijak membuat strategi dan memilih pemain-pemain muda yang berbakat besar untuk menunjukkan kehandalan masing2..semoga sukan bola sepak malaysia terus menyinar dan masuk world cup..hahahha..sape taw???
p/s:tak sabar nak tengok perlawanan 29hb ni..semoga malaysia menjadi juara
i blog about everything that i wanna share including my experiences, ideas, comments or anything regarding my daily life as a chaliph, daughter, friend and a medical student :D
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
going back to intec...
less than 2 weeks i'm going to continue my final sem at intec...
arh...give me strength (T_T)
arh...give me strength (T_T)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
about me?????????????check this out
i got a tag from a friend and he asked me to answer these questions honestly...
1- WHERE IS YOUR CELL PHONE?it's in front of me right now...i just bought it last 3 months :D
with who?????
the creator,ALLAH the Almighty,
right now,no special one...'wink'
shiny black!haha
not too short or too long~
not yet!!
i'm still a student....taking medicine couse
work..maybe 10 years later
i got 4 sisters in my siblings including me...the first one is at UNIMAS...she's taking art and design...the 4th daughter is at 2ndry school...and the youngest one is at standard 4...
my to surf internet....
finish my assignment..blogging :p
owh, a lot of story to tell here...
what i remembered was about my friend and my teacher were fighting at my old school..
that sounds so funny
horlick ice....carrot susu....muuuuahhhh!!!
the latest car when i want to buy the car in the future...
i like!!!!!
to do something or make decision that can make the others sad...or feel unfair...
oh no...i don't like this part~
a good muslimah and wife....(ehem!!!!when i'm going to marry???)
a successful doctor in the future..insyallah
a good daughter....take care of my parents,family
a good person....everything!!!!i feel good
my siblings...we went to kota bharu,kelantan
cheating....they will find it out!!!!
OWH~ watching a touching drama..
i fell like i'm crying~
terengganu.....water heritage city...ahaha
assignment....owh...why i'm too lazy...
wake up!!!!!
fo casual, i perefer shirts,jeans.....
shirts without sleeves.....short skitrt..
i have no pets....
no time to take care of them....
maybe one day....i'll have one...
i love cats...(not bcoz of my name..hehe)
i love computer......
to finish assgnment...
playing games....
surf in internet....
simple life...
as a student,a daughter,a human..
so far so good
my pens are always missing....
dunno why~
have to buy the new one...
i felt hungry and wanna eat..i already ate banana this morning..
i want to have a pink-purple colour one....
love to cook.....but i'm still learning...
maybe it will be my fren in the future....
a good attraction to husband...huhu
pink,purple...light blue....
just now....
hahahahha,last younger bro cut my long hair..
i just asked him to just cut a little..haih,i love my hair :p
love allah is everything......
love my,family....
love my friends,teachers....
owh...great....finish already......i just wanna tag 3 of my friends :-
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
hujan oh hujan
dah lama tak berblogging..rindu pulak rasanya..huhuhu,maklumlah balik kampung macam ni la..
as usual i become a so-called housemaid at home..
this is just a short post as i can't online for a long time here :(
p/s: please pray for my cousin..he is in ICU right now...wish him get well soon..thankss
Thursday, November 25, 2010
game karisma pun dah habis,ni baru ada time nak ambik award dan jawab yag..hehehehe,thanks shya :D
jaa kena jawab soalan-soalan nih..huiksss,banyak jugak meh:-
jaa kena jawab soalan-soalan nih..huiksss,banyak jugak meh:-
1. Apa benda yang paling penting dalam hidup korang?
keluarga,tanpa mereka tiadalah kita di dunia
2. Benda yang terakhir korang beli menggunakan duit korang sendiri ?
3. Dimana tempat korang ingin melangsungkan perkahwinan korang dan tema perkahwinan korang nanti?
keluarga,tanpa mereka tiadalah kita di dunia
kawan-kawan,hidup akan kesunyian tanpa kawan-kawan
laptop,xboleh buat assignment,kerja,blogging :p
2. Benda yang terakhir korang beli menggunakan duit korang sendiri ?
tak ada duit sendiri lagikk,semua JPA bagi..thankss :D tapi dah jadi duit sendiri la kan..
erm,burger semalam!!hari ni tak makan lagik
3. Dimana tempat korang ingin melangsungkan perkahwinan korang dan tema perkahwinan korang nanti?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
KARISMA : day 5
korang pernah x ada problem sign in blog??haish,benci betoll la beberapa hari ni xdapat nak sign in blog ikut google terpaksalah ikut alternative mozilla firefox tapi masih ada problem xdpt nak comment on post..sorry la my dear friends,hanya boleh update blog dan chat ajee..xboleh nak komen2..sedihh taw!!sape taw cmne nak selesaikan problem nih!!dah penat godek-godek me plizzzz T_T
hari ni last day karisma,tahniah INTEC sebab berjaya mendapat 1emas,1perak dan 1 gangsa untuk tae kwan do..ok la tu sebab penyertaan 6 orang perempuan dapat naib johan..yang lain xpasti la pulak..lepas je habis final basketball perempuan terus tengok lelaki :p
ni team UITM shah alam...tahniah utim shah alam johan kedua-dua sekali..intec perempuan pun kalah ngan diorang..lelaki shah alam menewaskan perak :)
aku suka betol la tengok diorang smua ni main...haha,tangkas dan ada skill..tengok laki main baru best!!!haha..aku suka tengok mamat nih,badan kecik je,tapi main mantap it!!(harap-harap xde pemain ni yang baca blog aku :p)
hari ni last day karisma,tahniah INTEC sebab berjaya mendapat 1emas,1perak dan 1 gangsa untuk tae kwan do..ok la tu sebab penyertaan 6 orang perempuan dapat naib johan..yang lain xpasti la pulak..lepas je habis final basketball perempuan terus tengok lelaki :p
ni team UITM shah alam...tahniah utim shah alam johan kedua-dua sekali..intec perempuan pun kalah ngan diorang..lelaki shah alam menewaskan perak :)
aku suka betol la tengok diorang smua ni main...haha,tangkas dan ada skill..tengok laki main baru best!!!haha..aku suka tengok mamat nih,badan kecik je,tapi main mantap it!!(harap-harap xde pemain ni yang baca blog aku :p)
KARISMA : day 4
hari ni pagi-pagi kami ke intec tengok tae kwan do (pagi la sgt,citt* padahal dah hampir 11 daa)huish,seram jugak yep ada yang kena sepak berdarah-darah lagi,pengsan,pucat,pening semua ada...huish,dah memang macam tu kan,ape boleh buat...aku ambil sebarang gambar pun untuk hari ni,lupa..ops!!haha :p
pergi carik lecturer,tp semua tade..huihui..malang betol la nasib, bila nak start buat experiment nih..kalau aku xbuat,sia-sia je la aku membuang masa kat sini padahal game dah abess...aku kena jugak siapkan sebelum hook or by crook!!okey xde lecturer ape lagi pegi makan je la dekat alm kafe..wahahahhaha,xde keje ann :D
malam keluar lagi tengok basketball pempuan kat induk,wah diorang menang!!!xsia-sia aku menjerit bagi sokongan bagai nak pecah suara aku...mantap beb,diorang boleh masuk final walaupun psyco gila sebab penyokong perlis ramai...semua atlet turun sokong agaknyer..kitorang kena dtg sendiri,tu yang xramai sgt..bus pon ade jugak susah ma~
pergi carik lecturer,tp semua tade..huihui..malang betol la nasib, bila nak start buat experiment nih..kalau aku xbuat,sia-sia je la aku membuang masa kat sini padahal game dah abess...aku kena jugak siapkan sebelum hook or by crook!!okey xde lecturer ape lagi pegi makan je la dekat alm kafe..wahahahhaha,xde keje ann :D
malam keluar lagi tengok basketball pempuan kat induk,wah diorang menang!!!xsia-sia aku menjerit bagi sokongan bagai nak pecah suara aku...mantap beb,diorang boleh masuk final walaupun psyco gila sebab penyokong perlis ramai...semua atlet turun sokong agaknyer..kitorang kena dtg sendiri,tu yang xramai sgt..bus pon ade jugak susah ma~
KARISMA : day 3
hari ni dah tak main dah. .(T_T)...ape lagi kitorang geng futsal dah rancang pegi bowling pukul 10 pagi...yang lawaknya aku pergi mesej jgn lambat!!padahal aku yang kol 10 masih tergolek atas katil..malasnye!!kesian aida terpaksa makan sorang-sorang kat bistro setelah stengah jam tunggu dayah n al lagilah xbangun-bangun sampai kitorang dah habis main smua..haih..ape lagi enjoy 5 orang je la...
Monday, November 22, 2010
KARISMA : day 1
tempat kejadian..hehe
stay pun kat bilik sendiri jep
Friday, November 19, 2010
attention guys!!are you straight or gay??
hey guys,an interesting pic that i got from my are not sure whether you are a
real macho man or gay???
check this out!!!
how was the test??who are a macho man here??you can find your partner already..hahahhaaha
for those who are not...........beware!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
tutorial untuk shoutmix lebih menarik
cantik x shoutmix jaa??heeee:D macam-macam gaya ada kan...dengan permintaan beberapa rakan blogger yang minta ajarkan cara untuk mendapatkan shoutmix yang menarik,di sini jaa nak buat tutorial untuk blogger yang masih baru dan berminat untuk cantikkan shoutbox..
mula-mula pergi ke laman web dan create a shoutbox,bagi yang dah ada terus login..masuk ID dan password..lepas tu pergi pada tab setting seperti gambar di bawah :-
seterusnya korang masuk la mana laman web smiley contohnya dan pilih smiley pilihan korang,copy direct link seperti di bawah :-
kemuadian,paste link tadi pada kotak smiley image url..tulis apa-apa simbol atau perkataan yang korang nak akan keluar smiley yang dah dipilih tadi...rujuk di bawah :-
setelah beberapa smiley dipilih, jgn lupa untuk save :-
hasilnya boleh dilihat seperti ini...tarrra!!cantik kan???nak masuk gambar sendiri macam jaa buat ni pun boleh..hehe :-
okey,kawan-kawan blogger,selamat mencuba!!semoga shoutmix anda lebih menarik lagi selepas ini...jaa xbelajar dari sesiapapun,sendiri punya try godek-godek..hehehehe,selamat berblogging dan berblogwalking..jgn lupa shout pada shoutmix jaa okey!
mula-mula pergi ke laman web dan create a shoutbox,bagi yang dah ada terus login..masuk ID dan password..lepas tu pergi pada tab setting seperti gambar di bawah :-
selepas itu,klik pada ikon smileys :)
seterusnya korang masuk la mana laman web smiley contohnya dan pilih smiley pilihan korang,copy direct link seperti di bawah :-
kemuadian,paste link tadi pada kotak smiley image url..tulis apa-apa simbol atau perkataan yang korang nak akan keluar smiley yang dah dipilih tadi...rujuk di bawah :-
setelah beberapa smiley dipilih, jgn lupa untuk save :-
okey,kawan-kawan blogger,selamat mencuba!!semoga shoutmix anda lebih menarik lagi selepas ini...jaa xbelajar dari sesiapapun,sendiri punya try godek-godek..hehehehe,selamat berblogging dan berblogwalking..jgn lupa shout pada shoutmix jaa okey!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
award lagi!
selamat hari raya aidiladha kepada semua...tahun ni agak pelik sedikit sebab first time beraya dekat klang tak balik terengganu =( apa nak sedih-sedih,lepas sembahyang raya,bukak blog dapat award dari miasaraa!yeay,pinky blog..PINK IS GOJES!
thanks miasaraa...dia cakap jaa dapat award ni sbb background blog ni warna pink..apa kena buat yep???
1)kenapa suka pink??(3perkataan)
2)bagitaw siapa pemberi award dan link...
miasaraa pemberi award ni
3)pastikan font pink!
4)tag 5 org atau lebih yang blognya pink..sape ye??

1)kenapa suka pink??(3perkataan)
2)bagitaw siapa pemberi award dan link...
miasaraa pemberi award ni
3)pastikan font pink!
4)tag 5 org atau lebih yang blognya pink..sape ye??
dan sesiapa sahaja yang rasa blog kaler pink boleh ambik..heee
okey dah...sila ambik award nie yep..thankssss,cik pinky ni pon comey,gigi sebatang..hehe
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
personal taste :D

son ye jin,act as park gae in is the owner of the house...she is a furniture designer who is also a
daughter of famous architecture professor...her friend,kim hae in betrayed her and make love with her bf,chan ryul..
jin ho develops feeling for gae in and started to love her....a complicated love but i love it...jin ho is such a cool guy and can handle everything and even can make gae in father's accept him...
min ho,u are so handsome :D just love3 it..some of his pic that can make girls melt..hhahahahahha:-
i'm going to watch playful kiss after this..yeay!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
exam is over :D
i'm so excited today because this is the first day of semester holiday...yeayyyy!!!!!!(for those who are still having their exam,don't be jelous with me k :D)
HOLIDAY!!hmmm,what had i done today???yeah,finish read a novel entitled 'denyut kasih medik".. for more info,click the link...then, i watch a korean drama personal taste and blogging as well...hurm,so sweeeeettt.. love it very consist of 16 episode and i just watch half of it..i'm going to finish it all if possible,tonight..heeeee~
anymore??yeah,biology unit 6..i still haven't decide the title yet...any suggestion???
Monday, November 8, 2010
never give up!
we have to accept everything that happen in the past..
just let it become history and we just have to pray
for better a life next time..
we have to realise!!
we can't change our past times...
let the journey becomes our 'teacher'
we learned a lot through experiences and histories..
so if we had took a wrong road,wrong pathway...
don't regret!!!
we still have time to change everything back to normal..
just hope for the miracle to happen in the future...
if we have any problem..just smile,don't show our 'evil' face
Saturday, November 6, 2010
old memories
i sleep again and again...haish,how can i finish all these books with tonnes of facts to memorise...i can't think too much and my head started to dizzy for this one whole day..i can't take it anymore...anyone please help me to read,plizzzzzz~
i went to study room to get a better condition as there were convenience place to study with air-conditioner but then i end up with sleeping...i just remembered my past, i didn't study much and just chatting with friends during 'prep'time but i still can score well in exam, i can be a tutor and teach my everything are different!! i studied much yet i still can't score in my exam...maybe there are something wrong somewhere and i really agree study during school are much much much enjoyable than in college...
i miss this time damn much and this pic is taken on my last day at smk.pelong ,when i was in form 4... i moved to a boarding school.. i think 5 of us in this pic moved to a new school either to SBP or MRSM...we just spent our time here less than a month during form 4..
my very best friends during school...we are always together wherever we go although we are all in different classes but we are very close...miss u all lar,can't wait to meet u guys again :) one of us took STPM this year and the other two is still pursuing her degree and diploma...we are all in different pathway after SPM~
one of my friend,dayah mms me this pic yesterday..yeah,love it!!! thankssss...good luck for your coming STPM at the end of this months...same thing goes to jannah and aida,good luck for your final exam...don't forget to pray for me too..FRIENDS FOREVER (^_^)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
study leave before final
ni musim study sahaja..aku kena terus berusaha non-stop...i wanna score for the final,pagi tadi baru habis exam final is,harap2 dapat ok la...tadi pegi tengok bola perlawanan antara kelantan dgn negeri sembilan..lama kot xtgk bola,yeah!!!kelantan menang!! masa first half n9 dah score satu,tapi lepas je aidil kuar,dua gol klate rembat..bravo!!haha~dahla tengok ngan iza,orang nogori tu... man-u pon menang ngan tottenham..lalalalallala
pegi bilik study tertidor n balik bilik buat stat n xleh tidor sampai skrang..tidur lepas subuh la gamaknya kalu macam nie..huhu,tadi nak buat math tapi macam blurr jep..takot la..huhu,banyak sangat benda yang perlu ingat..aku rasa betul la,kurang latihan..tengok jam pukul 5 rasa nak bukak blog+tgk facebook jap,kena timing maximum 30 minutes je..kalau tidak habis la..
unit 6 pon xtaw nak buat ape..biar la benda tu aku nak fikir time cuti sem nie..rasanya cuti sem ni aku xboleh dok saje,ni last exam sem depan bulan 3 terus trial dahla nak kena habiskan semua silibus lagi ni...cuti sem n i aku join join karisma sampai 25hb pastu bsalik ganu agak2 akhir bulan jugak la...ari rabu ni ade friendly ngan team toyota,cuak kot!!!
hopefully i can use my study leave wisely,dah melalut sudah~
p/s: kalau ko dah xnak kawan ngan aku,aku xkisah pun..terima kasih atas layanan itu~
Thursday, October 28, 2010
final exam is just around the corner
two more weeks left before final..haish,it's the end of sem 3 already...time flies so fast and i felt that i just came and enrolled myself here, at sem will be my last sem for a-level..still can't believe it!!
there are a lot of this to cover,tonnes of facts to memorise..i felt that i don't have enough time to make revision for all the subjects as i have to revise everything that i learnt start from sem 1..there are so many things in the course and i can't cover everything yet there are just some of it will be asked in exam..hoho..let's study this chart,interesting right?? "D
hopefully all the things in exam are all the things that i already make revision and studied although i know the questions are mostly not merely about theory, it needs application..
(REMIND MYSELF)..wish u all the best and don't forget topray for me guys...thanks :D
i have to focus
Saturday, October 23, 2010
happy birthday my year already :D
i just realised that my baby is now a year already...happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you,happy birthday my sweety..happy birthday to you..heeeee:D
every person may have different feeling on their birthday....happy,sad,anger...what about you??check this out
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aww,so cute, take this flower as ur bday present :D |
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this is my baby,my sweety pinky blog i love you so much..hee :D |
p/s: i just wanna enjoy my teen life,plizzzzzz :p
Friday, October 22, 2010
hello2 crickets :D
i just finished my last biology experiment for this sem today...we just wanna observe the rate of oxygen uptake in respiration of the crickets..yeah!!we played with crickets yet i felt sympathize to them as we had to use them for our experiment...
the crickets look very happy after we released them outside on the was really fun when we enjoy doing something and as i said before, biology is fun except the exam part :p
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the valves to connect u-tube to the boiling tube |
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set up of the whole apparatus...there were four crickets in the wire gauze |
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these are the dead crickets..poor them!!(ethical issue..heee) |
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this one is almost die..starved of oxygen and fight for survival |
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on my hands..heee,geli2~ |
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after experiment, we released all of them at a tree |
ok,time to finish bio report now! :D
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2. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 15 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dalam beberapa cara.
3. Sebab utama seseorang membenci anda adalah kerana dia ingin menjadi seperti anda.
4. Senyuman daripada anda boleh membawa kebahagiaan kepada seseorang, walaupun dia tidak menyukai anda.
5. Setiap malam ada seseorang mengingati anda sebelum dia tidur.
6. Anda amat bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.
7. Kalau bukan kerana anda, seseorang itu tidak akan hidup bahagia.
8. Anda seorang yang istimewa dan unik.
9. Seseorang yang anda tidak ketahui menyayangi anda.
10. Apabila anda membuat kesilapan yang sangat besar, ada hikmah sebaliknya.
11. Sekiranya anda merasakan anda dipinggirkan, fikirkan semula, mungkin anda yang meminggirkan mereka.
12. Apabila anda terfikir anda tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda ingini, mungkin anda tidak akan memperolehinya, tetapi sekiranya anda percaya pada diri sendiri lambat laun anda akan memperolehinya.
13. Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima. Lupakan segala maki hamun, caci umpat cela.
14. Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda; anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.
15. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sahabat baik, ambillah masa untuk memberitahunya yang dia adalah yang terbaik. Hanya seminit diperlukan untuk mendapat sahabat baik, sejam untuk menghargainya, sehari untuk teman tetap paling setia. walaupn punya harta yang banyak, teman tetap paling berharga.