Human are happy when they can ‘open their eyes’ to see and discover that they are important and meaningful…
Human are happy when they want to open their heart and know that someone loves them...
Human can even be happier when they can feel the loves and happiness from the person that honestly loves them so much…
Human are not happy if they don’t want to open their hearts, don’t want to get what they should…don’t want to force themselves to get the things that they want…don‘t want to accept and praise with what they have…
Human are blind, selfish…….
They already have the best one, but they still trying to get the others…they want to choose other friends instead of the best friends that they already have…
Every person has their own rule, someone can be a great person can be the best one in their field but not in others…someone can truly love them but not the others…
They already are the best one, but they still want the other attract to them, love them and always want to be the number one!!
The source of happiness are from ourselves…if we just wait for the others, get ready to regret!!Get ready to feel the sadness…..
We will be very happy if we can accept t
he thing that we already have, love and appreciate ourselves, want to love others and want to accept the others…
he thing that we already have, love and appreciate ourselves, want to love others and want to accept the others…
Believe in ALLAH and praise to HIM….we are the best, don’t be sad, LA TAHZAN!
HE will give us the things that we need, but if we fail to get it, don’t regret!!!Always believe that TOMORROW NEVER DIES… work hard and just be happy…
freaky mind,
moga hepi selalu dear :)
hehe..manusia akan suka bile dia puas..
@Ardini Humaira
thanks dear :)
@apik pehe
masalahnya manusia memang selalau tak puas...huhu, ada je benda yang nak lebih baik kann
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100% perh!!wahahaha..thanks..lawaa =D
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